Some more things I’d like to consign to Room 101.
Firstly this…
And this (with absolutely no apologies to Jeremy Clarkson.)
Lastly BBC 2’s The Culture Show for its unbelievable crassness. Now squeezed into 30 minutes. The pace is ridiculous and the presenters treat - what I had assumed would be a fairly sophisticated audience - like children. In fact Lauren Laverne even sounds identical to a counterpart, Kirsten O'Brien, on Radio 7’s ‘Big Toe’ morning show for kids. Add to this the clubby bar setting in the background, with most of the assembled pseudo club members looking distinctly ill at ease, whilst watching the appalling chummy banter between Laverne and Kermode, the latter of which has inflated his ego to match his ever increasing rockabilly quiff. The only presenter who seems to have real integrity is the super bright, and very likable Verity Sharp, who always presents in a measured and calm way. I asked a young, 30 something, friend of mine what he thought of the show. Whilst he agree with me to an extent, he added, ‘ I quite fancy that Lauren Laverne’. So it would seem I might out of touch? My apologies to any overseas readers of this blog. I know it's all too parochial. But sometimes you just have to get it off your chest.
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