Back in the 1960/70s, there was a steady flow of beautiful work coming out of Penguin Books. No, not the crime series, or general fiction (all great), but from the non-fiction side. And there was one designer in particular who was quietly beavering away behind the scenes producing dozens of perfectly structured covers. His name is Gerald Cinamon and here are a few examples from a long forgotten art series designed in 1971...
Cinamon also designed the art and literary magazine Transatlantic Review in 1967
Penguin's Art in Context another long forgotten series that still looks as fresh as a daisy. Many of Penguin's wonderful art, educational and non-fiction titles were axed when Peter Mayer joined as Penguin's Managing Director in 1978 and changed the editorial direction of the company.
If you would like to know more about Gerald Cinamon's work there is a rather lovely book available HERE