I have always loved this delightful logo.
I first came across it on the pages of the American Illustrators Annual that I bought way back in 1963.
Amazing to think that it is over 60 years old and still looks as fresh as a daisy.
The author and illustrator Lois Ehlert created it. Now pushing 81, she is still at it, adding to her many children's books.
As can be seen in this post, her work employs a lot of collage, which she has loved since childhood.
Her work mostly revolves around nature and animals and follows in that great tradition of mid-20th-century illustrators, including Eric Carle, Dick Bruna, Ingela Arrhenius and John Burningham, to name just a few.
Eric Carle
Dick Bruna
Ingela Arrhenius
John Burningham
Lois Ehlert was born, and has lived her entire life, in Wisconsin, settling in Milwaukee. The above logo was created for its zoo.
She has clocked up 28 books, of which Color Zoo, published in 1989, is probably her best known.
Lois Ehlert in here wild studio
And as can be seen here, both she and her studio are as colourful as her work.
You can see the positively charming Lois chatting about her life and work in a series of little videos Here